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    韦小明Wei Xiaoming


    韦小明,国家海外高层次引进青年人才,第九届中国基础光学专业委员会成员,美国光学学会《Optics Express》期刊编委(光纤激光方向),《Ultrafast Science》 青年编委(Science合作期刊),中国激光杂志社第三届青年编辑委员会委员,《光学学报》第一届青年编委,欧洲激光和光电会议技术委员会成员(CLEO/Europe TPC,2023年)。

    长期从事大功率高重复频率(GHz)飞秒光纤激光基础理论与关键技术研究,并开展大功率GHz飞秒激光在精细加工、医疗健康、超快测量等领域应用研究;发表期刊论文100余篇,包括Nature Communications、Science Advances、Light: Science and Applications等期刊;在CLEO、 SPIE、IPC、ACP、OECC等光学会议上作(特邀)口头报告70余次;申请美国发明专利共8项(已授权6项)、中国专利47项(已授权40项);主持广东省杰出青年、“ZJRC计划”引进创新创业团队等项目;指导学生获得第七届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛银奖。


    2019/9-至今       威尼斯wnsr9778

    2017/5-2019/8    加州理工,博士后

    2012/9-2017/4    香港大学,光学,博士&博士后,导师:Kenneth K.Y. Wong

    2009/9-2012/6    威尼斯wnsr9778,光学,硕士,导师:杨中民

    2005/9-2009/6    威尼斯wnsr9778,光信息科学与技术,本科




    1.  Y. Guo†, W. Lin†, W. Wang, R. Zhang, T. Liu, Y. Xu, X. Wei*, and Z. Yang*, “Unveiling the complexity of spatiotemporal soliton molecules in real time,” Nature Communications 14, 2029 (2023).

    2.  J. Wu†, Z. Liang†, W. Lin, L. Ling, Y. Zhang, Y. Yang, X. Wei*, Z. Yang*, “All-Fiber High-Power 3 GHz Ultrafast Laser System at 2.0 μm”, Journal of Lightwave Technology 41, 1559 (2023).

    3.   Z. Li, X. Wei, Z. Yang*, “Pulsed Laser 3D-Micro/Nanostructuring of Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion”, Progress in Materials Science 133, 101052 (2023).

    4.  J. Zhang, J. Wen, Y. Wang, W. Wang, W. Lin, X. Wei*, and Z. Yang*, “Watt-level gigahertz femtosecond fiber laser system at 920 nm,” Opt. Lett. 47, 4941 (2022).

    5.  W. Lin, X. Chen, X. Hu, T. Luo, Y. Fan, W. Wang, Z. Liang, L. Ling, M. Hao, X. Wei*, and Z. Yang*, “Manipulating the polarization dynamics in a >10-GHz Er3+/Yb3+ fiber Fabry-Pérot laser,” Opt. Express 30, 32791 (2022).

    6.   G. Tang, Z. Liang, W. Huang, D. Yang, L. Tu, W. Lin, X. Song, D. Chen, Q. Qian, X. Wei*, and Z. Yang*, “Broadband high-gain Tm3+/Ho3+ co-doped germanate glass multimaterial fiber for fiber lasers above 2 µm,” Opt. Express 30, 32693-32703 (2022).

    7.   L. Ling, W. Lin, W. Wang, Z. Liang, X. Chen, Y. Guo, X. Wei*, and Z. Yang*, “Threshold reduction of GHz-repetition-rate passive mode-locking by tapering the gain fiber,” Opt. Express 30, 13095 (2022).

    8.  W. Wang, W Lin, X Chen, X Guan, X Wen, T Qiao, X Wei*, and Z Yang*, “High-speed wavelength-swept femtosecond source from 1055 to 1300 nm using a GHz femtosecond fiber laser,” Opt. Lett. 47, 1677 (2022).

    9.  Z. Liang, W. Lin, J. Wu, X. Chen, Y. Guo, L. Ling, X. Wei*, and Z. Yang*, “>10 GHz femtosecond fiber laser system at 2.0 μm,” Opt. Lett. 47, 1867-1870 (2022).

    10.   G. Tang, Z. Liang, W. Huang, D. Yang, W. Lin, L. Tu, D. Chen, Q. Qian, X. Wei*, and Z. Yang*, 4.3 GHz fundamental repetition rate passively mode-locked fiber laser using a silicate-clad heavily Tm3+-doped germanate core multimaterial fiber, Opt. Lett. 47, 682 (2022)

    11.   G. Tang, Y. Zhang, D. Yang, W. Lin, W. Huang, L. Tu, F. Wu, N. Yan, Q. Qian, X. Wei*, and Z. Yang*, “Silicate-clad heavily Yb3+ doped phosphate core multimaterial fiber with high gain per unit length for mode-locked fiber laser applications”, Opt. Lett. 46, 2027 (2021).

    12.  X. Chen†, W. Lin†, W. Wang, X. Guan, X. Wen, T. Qiao, X. Wei*, and Z. Yang*, “High-power femtosecond all-fiber laser system at 1.5 μm with a fundamental repetition rate of 4.9 GHz”, Opt. Lett. 46, 1872 (2021).

    13.   W. Lin†, W. Wang†, B. He†, X. Chen, X. Hu, Y. Guo, Y. Xu, X. Wei*, and Z. Yang*, “Vector soliton dynamics in a high-repetition-rate fiber laser,” Opt. Express 29, 12049 (2021).

    14.  Y. Guo†, X. Wen†, W. Lin†, W. Wang, X. Wei*, and Z. Yang*, “Real-time multispeckle spectral-temporal measurement unveils the complexity of spatiotemporal solitons,” Nature Communications 12, 67 (2021).

    15.  Y. Liu, J. Wu, X. Wen, W. Lin, W. Wang, X. Guan, T. Qiao, Y. Guo, W. Wang, X. Wei*, and Z. Yang*, “>100 W GHz femtosecond burst mode all-fiber laser system at 1.0 µm,“ Optics Express 28, 13414-13422 (2020).

    16.  J. C. Jing†, X. Wei†*, and L. V. Wang*, “Spatio-temporal-spectral imaging of non-repeatable dissipative soliton dynamics,” Nature Communications 11, 2059 (2020).

    17.   X. Wei†, Y. Shen†, J. C. Jing†, A. S. Hemphill, C. Yang, S. Xu, Z. Yang*, and L. V. Wang*, “Real-time frequency-encoded spatiotemporal focusing through scattering media using a programmable 2D ultrafine optical frequency comb,” Science Advances 6, eaay1192 (2020).

    18.   C. Kong†, C. Pilger†, H. Hachmeister†, X. Wei*, T. H. Cheung, C. S. W. Lai, K. K. Tsia, K. K. Y. Wong*, and T. Huser*, “High-contrast, fast chemical imaging by coherent Raman scattering using a self-synchronized two-colour fibre laser,” Light: Science & Applications 9, 25 (2020).

    19.   X. Wei, J. C. Jing, S. C. Shen, and L. V. Wang*, “Harnessing a multi-dimensional fiber laser using genetic wavefront shaping,” Light: Science & Applications 9, 149 (2020).



    发布者:梁栋  发布时间:2023-05-15  浏览次数:11518
