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    李志远Li Zhiyuan


    李志远,教授,博士生导师。1972年5月生于福建漳浦县。1994年毕业于中国科技大学物理系,1999年中科院物理所理学博士,获“院长特别奖”,博士论文获得2001年度全国百篇优秀博士学位论文奖。1999-2003先后在香港科技大学、美国华盛顿大学和美国能源部Ames实验室从事科研工作, 2004年1月入选中国科学院“百人计划”并获“择优支持”,2008年终期评价为优秀。2005年获国家杰出青年科学基金资助,2011年获中国光学学会“王大珩光学奖”。2014-2016年在中国科学院物理研究所任研究员,L01组课题组长,中国科技大学物理系兼职教授。2016年10月起任威尼斯wnsr9778教授、博士生导师,人工光、声微结构物理实验室主任。任EPL Co-Editor,《光学学报》、《科学通报》和Advanced Optical Materials编委。 2014年入选汤森路透全球高被引科学家,2016年入选爱思维尔中国高被引科学家。




    (1) 微纳光学中解析理论和数值计算方法的发展和应用,包括镜像偶极子耦合模型,平面波传递矩阵方法(PWTMM),离散偶极子方法(DDA),解析模式展开方法,非线性耦合模理论等;
    (2) 光子晶体能带设计(包括各向异性材料的应用);
    (3) 光子晶体及微腔中原子自发辐射和热辐射及其它量子光学问题的的研究;
    (4) 光子晶体无序和缺陷对光子带隙的影响;
    (5) 通讯波段硅光子晶体集成器件的设计和制作;
    (6) 周期和准周期人工微结构负折射效应的理论和实验研究;
    (7) 金属纳米颗粒和纳米结构及器件的表面等离子体光学性质的理论、实验和应用研究;
    (8) 金属微纳结构中表面等离激元增强的荧光、拉曼、非线性、增益放大和激射等研究;
    (9) 非线性光子晶体准相位匹配和光子带隙效应,及其在高效的二次谐波、三次谐波和高次谐波等非线性      频率转换的应用研究;
    (10) Kerr非线性光子晶体超快光开关和逻辑功能器件的研究;
    (11) 磁光光子晶体新奇物理性质的研究;
    (12) 硅光子晶体全光二极管、隔离器和三极管的研制;
    (13) 硅光子晶体高Q微腔的研制及其与量子点、石墨烯、聚合物等新材料的相互作用研究;
    (14) 表面等离子体全息术的发明及表面等离激元波前调控研究;
    (15) 光镊技术的发展及其用于微观介质颗粒的捕获和操纵,以及金属纳米颗粒的捕获、操纵及表面等离子体共振调控研究;
    (16) 微纳尺度上非线性光学的理论和实验研究;


        至2017-3-2,已在SCI 收录的物理学和材料科学期刊上作为主要作者发表论文380多篇,其中包括 Chem. Soc. Rev.,Phys.Rev. Lett.,JACS,Adv. Mater.,Nano Lett.,ACS Nano, Light: Sci. Appl.和Laser Photonics Rev.等高影响因子(IF>7)期刊论文70多篇,Appl. Phys. Lett.,Opt. Lett.,Opt. Express, Phys. Rev.,Langmuir,J. Phys. Chem. B 等IF>3期刊论文超过130篇。应邀为 J. Mater. Chem. C, Particles, EPL,Phys. Solidi Status A, Photonics Research,《科学通报》, Frontiers of Physics, 《光学学报》等国内外杂志撰写综述论文,并为Advances in Photonic Crystals 以及《纳米结构与性能的理论计算与模拟》等专著撰写章节。论文被SCI引用16,000 多次,H-index 为59,其中45篇论文被引用超过100 次,在国际/国内重要学术会议上做邀请报70/30多次。研究成果于2009、2010、2015年入选《激光和光电子学进展》杂志评选的“中国光学重要成果”。


    1 金属纳米颗粒和纳米结构及器件的表面等离子体光学的理论、实验和应用研究; 2 非线性光子晶体的高效频率转换研究;3 白光激光技术研究; 4 光镊技术的发展和应用;5 高分辨光学显微和光声显微成像研究;6 微纳尺度光和物质相互作用理论的发展和应用; 7 量子物理的基础问题研究。


    (一) Photonic Crystals (光子晶体)

    12. Zhe Shi, Lin Gan*, Ting-Hui Xiao, Hong-Lian Guo, and Zhi-Yuan Li*, “All-Optical Modulation of Graphene Cladded Silicon Photonic Crystal Cavity”, ACS Photonics 2, 1513-1518 (2015).
    11. Chen Wang, Xiao-Lan Zhong, and Zhi-Yuan Li*, “Linear and passive silicon optical isolator”, Scientific Reports 2, 674(1-6) (2012).(48 citations)
    10. Chen Wang, Chang-Zhu Zhou, and Zhi-Yuan Li*, “On-chip optical diode based on silicon  photonic crystal heterojunctions”, Optics Express 19, 26948-26955 (2011).(77 citations)
    9. Ye Liu, Fei Qin, Zi-Ming Meng, Fei Zhou, Qing-He Mao, and Zhi-Yuan Li*, “All-optical logical gates based on two-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystal slabs”,  Optics Express 19, 1945-1953 (2011). (40 citations)
    8. Jin-Xin Fu, Rong-Juan Liu, and Zhi-Yuan Li*, “Robust one-way modes in gyromagnetic photonic crystal waveguides with different interfaces”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 041112 (2010). (50 citations)
    7. Ye Liu, Fei Qin, Zhi-Yi Wei, Qing-Bo Meng, Dao-Zhong Zhang, and Zhi-Yuan Li*, “10 femtosecond ultrafast all-optical switching in polystyrene nonlinear photonic crystals”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 131116 (2009).(51 citations)
    6. Zhifang Feng, Xiangdong Zhang, Yiquan Wang, Zhi-Yuan Li, Bing-Ying Cheng, and Dao-Zhong Zhang, “Negative refraction and imaging using 12-fold symmetry quasicrystals”,  Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 247402 (1-4) (2005).(73 citations)
    5.  Zhi-Yuan Li* and Kai-Ming Ho, “Anomalous propagation loss in photonic crystal waveguides,”  Phys. Rev. Lett. 92,  063904 (1-4) (2004).(27 citations)
    4.  Zhi-Yuan Li* and  Lan-Lan Lin, “Evaluation of lensing in photonic crystal slabs exhibiting negative refraction,” Phys. Rev. B 68, 245110 (1-7) (2003).(166 citations)
    3. Zhi-Yuan Li* and Zhao-Qing Zhang, “Fragility of photonic band gaps in inverse-opal photonic crystals”, Phys. Rev. B 62, 1516–1519 (2000).(176 citations)
    2. Zhi-Yuan Li*, Jian Wang, and Ben-Yuan Gu, “Creation of partial band gaps in anisotropic photonic-band-gap structures”, Phys. Rev. B 58, 3721-3729 (1998).(202 citations)
    1. Zhi-Yuan Li*, Ben-Yuan Gu, and Guo-ZhenYang: “Large absolute band gap in 2D anisotropic photonic crystals”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 2574-2577 (1998).(206 citations)

    (二) Plasmonics (表面等离子体光学)

    13. Ran Long, Zhoulv Rao, Keke Mao, Yu Li, Chao Zhang, Qiliang Liu, Chengming Wang, Zhi-Yuan Li, Xiaojun Wu, and Yujie Xiong, “Efficiently Coupling Solar Energy into Catalytic Hydrogenation by Well-Designed Pd Nanostructures”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 54, 2425-2430 (2015).(21 citations)
    12. Jiafang Li*, Jiajia Mu, Benli Wang, Wei Ding, Ju Liu, Honglian Guo, Wuxia Li,
    Changzhi Gu, and Zhi-Yuan Li*, “Direct laser writing of symmetry-broken spiral tapers for polarization-insensitive three-dimensional plasmonic focusing”, Laser & Photonics Reviews 8, 602-609 (2014).
    11. Zhen Liu, Zhongbo Yang, Bo Peng, Cuong Cao, Chao Zhang, Qihua Xiong*,Zhiyuan Li*, Jixiang Fang*, “Highly Sensitive, Uniform and Reproducible Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy from Hollow Au-Ag Alloy Nanourchins- Non-Conventional Colloid Nanoparticles”, Adv. Mater. 26, 2431-2439 (2014). (50 citations)
    10. Yue-Gang Chen, Yu-Hui Chen, and Zhi-Yuan Li*,“Direct method to control surface plasmon polaritons on metal surface”, Opt. Lett. 39, 339-342 (2014).(12 citations)
    9. Siyun Liu, Lu Huang, Jiafang Li,* Chen Wang, Zi-Ming Meng, Zhe Shi and Zhi-Yuan Li*, “Simultaneous excitation and emission enhancement of fluorescence assisted by double plasmon modes of gold nanorods”, J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 10636-10642 (2013).(41 citations)
    8. Y. Wang, K. Black, H. Luehmann, W. Li, Y. Zhang, X. Cai, D. Wan, S. Y. Liu, M. Li, P. Kim, Z. Y. Li, L. V. Wang, Y. Liu, and Y. Xia,  “Comparison study of gold nanohexapods, nanorods, and nanocages for photothermal cancer treatment”, ACS Nano 7, 2068-2077 (2013).(186 citations)
    7. Yu-Hui Chen, Lu Huang, Lin Gan, and Zhi-Yuan Li*, “Wave-Front Shaping of Infrared Light through a Subwavelength Hole”,  Light: Science & Applications 1, e26 (2012).(33 citations)
    6. Aaron R. Rathmell,  Stephen M. Bergin, Yi-Lei Hua, Zhi-Yuan Li, and Benjamin J. Wiley, “The Growth Mechanism of Copper Nanowires and their Properties in Flexible, Transparent Conducting Films”, Advanced Materials 22, 3558-3563 (2010).(289 citations)
    5. Xinmai Yang, Sara E. Skrabalak, Zhi-Yuan Li, Younan Xia, and Lihong V. Wang, “Photoacoustic Tomography of a Rat Cerebral Cortex in vivo with Au Nanocages as an Optical Contrast Agent”, Nano Letters 7, 3798-3802 (2007). (237 citations)
    4. Jingyi Chen, Danling Wang, Jiefeng Xi, Leslie Au, Andy Siekkinen, Addie Warsen, Zhi-Yuan Li, Hui Zhang, Younan Xia, and Xingde Li, “Immuno Gold Nanocages with Tailored Optical Properties for Targeted Photothermal Destruction of Cancer Cells”, Nano Letters 7, 1318-1322 (2007). (633 citations)
    3. J. M. McLellan, Z. Y. Li, A. Siekkinen, and Y. Xia, “The SERS Activity of a Supported Ag Nanocube Strongly Depends on Its Orientation Relative to Laser Polarization”,  Nano Letters 7, 1013-1017 (2007). (204 citations)
    2. J. Chen, F. Saeki, B. J. Wiley, H. Cang, M. J. Cobb, Z. Y. Li, L. Au, H. Zhang, M. B. Kimmey, X. Li, and Y. Xia, “Gold nanocages: bioconjugation and their potential use as optical imaging contrast agents”, Nano Letters 5, 473-477 (2005). (652 citations)
    1. Yu Lu, Yadong Yin,  Zhi-Yuan Li,  and Younan Xia, “Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Au@SiO2 Core-Shell Colloids”,    Nano Letters 2, 785-788 (2002). (419 citations)

    (三) Nonlinear Optics and Laser Technology (非线性光学和激光技术)

    2. Bao-Qin Chen, Chao Zhang, Chen-Yang Hu, Rong-Juan Liu, and Zhi-Yuan Li*, “High-Efficiency Broadband High-Harmonic Generation from a Single Quasi-Phase-Matching Nonlinear Crystal”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 083902 (1-5) (2015).
    1. Bao-Qin Chen, Ming-Liang Ren, Rong-Juan Liu, Yan Sheng, Bo-Qin Ma, Chao Zhang, and Zhi-Yuan Li*, “Simultaneous Broadband Second and Third Harmonic Generation in Chirped Nonlinear Photonic Crystal”,  Light: Science & Application 3, e189 (1-6) (2014).(10 citations)

    (四) Nanophotonics Physics, Model and Theory (纳米光子学物理、模型和方法)

    10. Bao-Qin Chen, Chao Zhang, Jiafang Li, Zhi-Yuan Li*, and Younan Xia, “On the Critical Role of Rayleigh Scattering for Single-Molecule Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering via Plasmonic Nanogap”,  Nanoscale 8, 15730-15736 (2016).
    9. Chao Zhang, Bao-Qin Chen, and Zhi-Yuan Li*, “Optical origin of subnanometer resolution in tip-enhanced Raman mapping”, J. Phys. Chem. C 119, 11858-11871 (2015).(15 citations)
    8. Ben-Li Wang, Rui Wang, Rong-Juan Liu, X. H. Lu, Jimin Zhao*, Zhi-Yuan Li*, “Origin of shape resonance in second harmonic generation in metallic nanohole arrays”, Scientific Reports 3, 2358 (1-8) (2013).(20 citations)
    7. Si-Yun Liu, Jia-Fang Li, Fei Zhou, Lin Gan, and Zhi-Yuan Li*, “Efficient surface plasmon amplification from gain-assisted gold nanorods”, Optics Letters 36, 1296 (2011).(50 citations)
    6. Zhi-Yuan Li* and Younan Xia, “Metal nanoparticles with gain towards single-molecule detect via surface-enhanced Raman scattering”, Nano Letters 10, 243-249 (2010). (111 citations)
    5. Fei Zhou, Zhi-Yuan Li*, Ye Liu, and Younan Xia,  “Quantitative analysis of dipole and quadrupole excitation in surface plasmon resonance of metal nanoparticles”, J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 20233-20240 (2008). (102 citations)
    4. Jing-Juan Li, Zhi-Yuan Li*, and Dao-Zhong Zhang, “Second harmonic generation in one-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystals solved by transfer matrix method”,  Phys. Rev. E 75,056606 (2007).(40 citations)
    3. Zhi-Yuan Li* and Kai-Ming Ho, “Light propagation in semi-infinite photonic crystal and related waveguide structures,” Phys. Rev. B 68, 155101 (1-15) (2003).(73 citations)
    2. Zhi-Yuan Li* and Lan-Lan Lin, “Photonic band structures solved by a plane-wave based  transfer-matrix method,” Phys. Rev. E 67, 046607 (1-11) (2003).(210 citations)
    1. Zhi-Yuan Li*, Lan-Lan Lin, and Zhao-Qing Zhang, “Spontaneous emission from photonic crystals: Full vectorial calculations”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 4341-4344 (2000).(101 citations)

    (五) Optical Tweezers (光镊)

    3. Jing Liu, Hong-Lian Guo*, and Zhi-Yuan Li*, “Self-propelled round-trip motion of Janus particles in a static line optical tweezers”,  Nanoscale 8, 19894-19990 (2016).
    2. Lu Huang, Hong-Lian Guo*, Jia-Fang Li, Lin Ling, and Zhi-Yuan Li*, “Optical trapping of gold nanoparticles by cylindrical vector beam”,  Optics Letters 37, 1694-1696 (2012).(34 citations)
    1. Lin Ling, Hong-Lian Guo*, Xiao-Lan Zhong, Lu Huang, Jia-Fang Li, and Zhi-
    Yuan Li*, “Manipulation of gold nanorods with dual-optical tweezers for surface plasmon resonance control”,  Nanotechnology 23, 215302 (2012). (14 citations)

    (六) Fundamental Quantum Physics (基础量子物理)

    2. Zhi-Yuan Li*, “Time-modulated Hamiltonian for interpreting delayed-choice experiment via Mach-Zehnder interferometer”,  Chin. Phys. Lett. 33, 080302 (2016).
    1. Zhi-Yuan Li, “Elementary analysis of interferometers for wave-particle duality test and the perspective of going beyond the complementarity principle”, Chin. Phys. B 23, 110309 (2014).

    (七) Review Articles (综述论文)

    7. Jiafang Li, Jing Liu, Xi-Min Tian, and Zhi-Yuan Li*, “Plasmonic particles with unique optical interaction and mechanical motion properties”, Particle & Particle Synthesis Characterization (Invited Review Article) (2017).
    6. Zhi-Yuan Li*, “Optics and photonics at nanoscale: Principles and perspectives”, EPL 110, 14001 (1-7) (2015).
    5. Zhi-Yuan Li* and Zi-Ming Meng, “Polystyrene Kerr nonlinear photonic crystals for building ultrafast optical switching and logic devices”, J. Mater. Chem. C 2(5), 783-800 (2014). (invited Feature Article) (2014). (Inner Cover Story)(12 citations)
    4. Jiafang Li*, Hong-Lian Guo, and Zhi-Yuan Li*, “Microscopic and macroscopic manipulation of gold nanorod and its hybrid nanostructures”, Photonics Research 1, 28-41 (2013).(Invited review article) (Cover Story)(12 citations)

    3. 李志远*,李家方,“金属纳米结构表面等离子体共振的调控和应用”,科学通报,Vol. 56, 2631-2661 (2011). (特邀综述论文) (15 citations)
    2. Benjamin J. Wiley, Sang Hyuk Im, Zhi-Yuan Li, Joeseph McLellan, Andrew Siekkinen, and Younan Xia, “Maneuvering the surface plasmon resonance of silver nanostructures through shape-controlled synthesis”, J. Phys. Chem. B 110,  15666-15675 (2006). (Cover feature article) (509 citations)
    1. Min Hu, Jingyi Chen, Zhi-Yuan Li, Leslie Au, Gregory V. Hartland, Xingde Li, Manuel Marquez, and Younan Xia, “Gold Nanostructures: Engineering Their  Plasmonic Properties for Biomedical Applications”, Chemical Society Review 35, 1084-1094 (2006). (Tutorial Review Article) (857 citations)



    发布者:贡颖  发布时间:2023-05-15  浏览次数:25603
